Sunday, November 06, 2005

Character Actors

So I saw the movie Jarhead today. Pretty good movie, with a pretty high intensity level. But what left the biggest impression on me was the presence of Evan Jones. I actually just looked up his name on But you know him better as Cheddar Bob on 8 Mile (with Enimen). As you remember he's the total loser in Enimen's posse that starts fight number one ("yeah, fuck the free world!), then during fight number two, pulls out his mom's gun and then shoots himself almost in the nuts.

Well in Jarhead, he pretty much plays the same "not cool, and trying too hard to be cool" character, except now he's a marine. And boy, does his presence create some uncomfortable and ackward moments.

So I think it's pretty much established that if you need to find an actor to play the role of a total loser trying to be cool, go with Evan Jones. Which leads me to the question - how is he so good at playing this role?... If we met in him person, should we expect him to act exactly like this?.... Or, would be the opposite - a normal and pretty cool guy?... Does his appearance play a part in portraying such a role so accurately? Just stuff we need to know...

Speaking of character actors, the other one that comes to mind is Ethan Embry. Again just looked up his name in He plays Preston Myers in Can't Hardly Wait. And don't give me shit about watching that movie, because it has a very hot-looking Jennifer Love Hewitt in that movie. But anyway, Ethan Embry's character plays the total wuss-bag (that's right - its so bad I had to bring out a third grade term to describe it) who falls in love with J Love's character despite not having said a word to her. Finds out that she's leaving, and tries to deliver some sappy love letter about how he knows they were meant to be, more or less because of the number of times he has jerked off thinking about her with Barry Manilow in the background.

Ethan Embry also is in Harold and Kumar. He's the i-banker who has the alpha male coworker who wants to go out and get chicks. The coworker tells him just to slap the work another and junior coworker (Harold). He does do that, but boy is he a puss about it. If you've ever dealt with a total wuss trying to give out orders, that's exactly how the scene went. At the end, when Harold has found his nutsac, Harold chews out Ethan Embry, who looks like he's about to cry. Just a great character acting performance of a total wuss.

Which begs the question - is Ethan Embry exactly like that in real life? Would a toupe to cover up his receding hairline change his image? If we were at a club in Hollywood and we saw him with a couple hot chicks, would we even hesitate to go up to the chicks and take them away from him? And then just tell him work on a new sappy love-letter....?

ethan embry also played the same wussy-cum-nutsac-finder in vegas vacation and empire records. both worth watching.

empire records has the super hot liv tyler, and vegas vacation has the alternative casino with "guess the number" and "which hand".
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